Sunday, March 21, 2010

Building a Home Theatre Room

This week I want to talk to you about one of my newest projects. Building a home theatre in my basement! When my wife and I bought our home a couple of years ago, we managed to convince the previous owner to leave the video projector that he had suspended from the basement family room ceiling. He even left the screen for us too. Now, as you can see, this is not the most ideal setup, but it was still pretty cool to watch movies down there.

We recently had a home owners nightmare happen to us - sewage backup in the basement. I know, ewww. But we were lucky, and it was all cleaned up and fixed within two weeks, however, the basement carpet was going to have to be replaced. While going through this experience, I was trying to see the silver lining to such a crappy (pun intended) situation.

I decided that I would turn the old movie/family room into a REAL theatre room. One with a proper screen and built in speakers.

So, this is my first post as I start this new project. I will post new pictures as I make progress. Just be warned, this project will take me several months to complete, and will require quite a bit of work. At this point I am just getting ready to start the demo work. I need to empty the room completely and then remove all the carpet and underlay, for obvious reasons. I am then planning to remove all the wood panelling from all the walls, and including the stairs leading from the main floor. I never liked the wood paneling from the get-go, so this is my chance to get rid of it.

There is no dry-wall behind the panelling, so I'll have to finish all the walls too. This would be a little more upsetting, however it does allow for me to build in all the wiring ahead of time. I'm trying to see the bright side of a ton of work ahead of me.

Check back regularly to follow my progress here, as well as my other projects… I'm still on the hunt for those old computers, and will have a road-trip in the next week to pick up another system!

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