Sunday, August 23, 2009

My New Toy! - 13" MacBook Pro

This week I want to share with you my experience with my newest toy, although I really do hesitate calling it a toy. It's an AMAZING piece of technology. It's my new MacBook Pro 13 inch, and this little computer is blowing my mind!

I opted for the 2.26GHz base model, but I did splurge on the Ram and Hard drive. I didn't think that it was worth the $300 for the extra 300MHz or so of processor power. I upped the 2 gigs of standard Ram to 4 gigs. I looked at the 8 gig option for about half a second. It was an extra $1100 to get 8 gigs! I'm sorry, but that it just CRAZY! Is anyone really getting the 8 gig option? I heard that they actually grind up pixies to make the 8 gig ram chips. I also opted for the 500 gig hard drive so that I would have no shortage of storage space.

The unibody construction truly is a nice feature. This laptop feels very solid, and the all aluminum body really does seem to help keep it running cooler.

Multi-touch track pads ARE the future. I've been using it for a few days and I already don't know how to live without it. I'm sure we're going to see many other laptops showing up with this neat trick soon.

The display screen is very clear and bright. I was looking for something bigger than a netbook and smaller than my giant 17 inch dell, which was too heavy to lug around on a regular bases. 13 inches seems to be the sweet spot for me, and what I was looking for.

The biggest surprise for me with this particular laptop is the keyboard. It uses the standard apple chick-let keys, but the feel of them is wonderful. They have the perfect tactile feel and require a perfect amount of force when typing. It was something that hadn't even come to mind when looking at any computer before. As soon as I started typing, I could feel that these keys are perfect!

As anyone who knows me knows, I'm huge into the computer eye-candy, and this Mac does not disappoint. It looks stunning, both the computer and the OS. I'm one very pleased apple owner.

With this purchase, I can see that my transformation is now complete. I am a full fledged Mac user and moving up quickly to a Mac fanboy. I'm already looking forward to the next apple keynote like a child waits for christmas morning. My poor wife is caught in the middle and I'm sure is tired of hearing me lusting after the newest apple offering. Sometimes I wonder if she only stays with me for the free tech support. :)

Next week I'm planning to discuss how I set my Mac Mini up as a media centre computer for my TV... stay tuned (Pun totally intended there :)

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