Thursday, June 4, 2009

Building a Hackintosh - Part 2

After last weeks blog, I started to investigate how far things have come in the OSX86 world. It seems that there is a new favorite "distribution" of OSX86 available that makes the instillation of OS X on my particular Netbook even easier! I decided to try it out. I had just recently installed Windows 7 RC build 7100 on my Aspire One, and it was working flawlessly, but this was too good to pass up.

iDeneb v1.4 is OS X 10.5.6, and has a check box in the install specifically for the Aspire One. After downloading and burning the ISO image, I connected up my USB external DVD drive and fired it up.

The install only took about 15 or so minutes, and consisted of continually clicking Next, Next, Next. I ran the Disk Utility to erase my existing drive, and before the final click to start the Install, I hit Customize. This is an import step, and one I suspect is usually skipped right by without ever being noticed by many an eager Haxor. :) In my case, I simply left every setting as it was and checked the Acer Aspire One check box. Not difficult in the least.

Again I was able to find the post install instructions on the Aspire One User site. I was directed to hit the Enter key at bootup, and type "-x" without the quotes of course. This forces OS X to boot into safe mode. Once it boots up, I simply followed the initial setup screens. I entered in all my personal information, selected my wireless network, and even took a snapshot from my built in web cam.

The next step was needed in order to correct the video resolution which seemed to only offer 800x600 on my native 1024x600 LCD screen. As well as allow me to not have to log in through safe mode.
I went to Diablo's iDeneb v1.4 site, which is in Spanish, and was finally able to click on something that would download the much needed file. Fro that download I installed two small applications, "Donotsleep" and "GMA950". After a reboot, things seemed much better.

That is pretty much it for the install. Everything except sleep works perfectly. I've installed a variety of applications, and everything seems to run fine. I have to say, this Aspire One makes a very nice little Macbook!

For those interested, on my 1 gig system, it takes just under a minute to boot up, and only 13 seconds to shutdown. Using windows, I remember suspend sometimes took almost that long at times!

I can totally live with no suspend at this point.... till the next new OS comes out :)

Related Links

Aspire One Users

Diablo's iDeneb v1.4 installer

iDeneb v1.4
I'll leave that one to you ;)

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